Monday, October 22, 2012

2 months pregnancy


Da 2 bulan preggy, pejam celik pejam celik. but still new. Kalo nak ikut proses sekarang nie baby still tgh usaha nak masuk bilik dalam rahim. So kena jaga betul2. I berdoa agar kandungan saya membesar dgn selamat. Past few days kerap spotted and ada bleeding. But I guess bleeding time i buang air besar tu di sebabkan buasir. Badan da mula lemah longlai. seriously i tak larat sebab no energy. Energy sgt la takde. teruk sgt feel skrg nie. Tp i kena rasa enjoy for my baby if not sian baby i nanty. Dia pun lemah longlai. Selera makan da mula takde. I hate this feeling. Ya Allah kau kuatkan hambamu ini dalam mengharungi alam kehamilan. Kau permudahkan urusan ku. Kau kuatkan lah anggota badan ku sempurnakan zuriat pertama ku. Amin ya rabbal al-amin.

Okay have to chow now. kerja kat office bnyk sgt tak mampu nak abiskan. I try my best to finish it.

Bye !!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

5 weeks pregnancy


Alhamdulillah today genap 5 weeks pregnancy. Emmm risau juga sebenarnya sbb yer la. I tak pi jumpa doctor lagi since my first test, sbb my first test i buat sendiri and pi jumpa doctor da malam so doc adv to come again on morning time but she told me that am pregnant. If am not sure i can test again and again and see the results. just come and see her for me to know more about my pregnancy.

So symptoms mmg da ada kat i such as before i knw am pregnant, kepala sakit, kerap demam and i smell something yg busuk gila memualkan tekak. at first i tot its just my feeling, kononnya main perasaan sendiri but after i test my urine using Clearblue digital and Ya Allah its positive 1-2 weeks.

Den malam tu i pi jumpa doctor and show her my test, pastu dia check on her computer, den she smile and told me am pregnant, and nak kepastian ker? she ask me. den i said NAK, but dia ckp most probably negative because of cuaca, and hcg still low, normal UPT takkan boleh detect. so i pn buat jerk la. yes it was negative but doc convinced me dat am pregnant, the UPT tak boleh nak detect, if i dun believe i shud check again da next morning or maybe after a week but she told me to not worry because she knw dat am pregnant. Omg, so confident. Den i mula tak sedap hati, so i buat research yes, UPT senang detect at morning time at 5 weeks pregnancy, so today genap 5 weeks and i buat lagi yes still positive. semalam pn i buat positive juga tp samar. so 3 hari berturut2 i buat and all positive.

disebabkan keje, i takde masa at morning time, so i decide to go and meet the same doc at saturday morning as I alreday promised to doctor I'll come back on Saturday morning.

Actually yang buat i risau sgt sampai i nak test bnyk kali using different brands sbb i terbaca FALSE POSITIVE RESULT USING CLEARBLUE DIGITAL. omg, risau taw. tapi alhamdulillah Allah tunjukkan jalan pada i untuk beli pregnancy test bebanyak and test bnyk kali see the result, alhamdulillah all Positive now i tak nak pening lagi. i just jumpa doctor dis saturday see how. i hope my baby doing fine.

Okay la da terlewat benda yang wajib. see later.

Positive ! Yeay :))

Alhamdulillah after 2 month plus married, finally am pregnant. Amin. Alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrat Illahi. Results nie mula2 tak percaya den i cuba lagi 3 days berturut with different brands and yes all POSITIVE. Alhamdulillah thanks Allah for this big gift. We really appreciate it and I hope our baby fine and membesar dgn baik dan selamat dilahirkan. Amin. Mummy so excited to see you baby. Love ya :)

Pre Wedding

Hello today I just nak share my pre wedding pictures. I lama tak update blog nie. So start now onwards nak active berblogging. Okay so enjoy!